Is email marketing a thing of the past?


So, is email marketing a thing of the past? Email marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing used today. Emails can be sent to potential and existing customers in just a few seconds! And, with email marketing, you have complete control over your message and the timing of when it goes out.

Email helps you reach your audience with relevant messages that encourage them to take an action, such as visiting a store or website or signing up for an event. Incorporating email into your marketing plan also helps build trust with your audience.

By keeping in touch with customers through email, businesses can build relationships with their customers over time. This can lead to repeat purchases or referrals that result in new connections for the business.

Why should I use email marketing?

As a business owner, you know how important it is to keep in touch with your customers. 

There are more than 3 billion email users worldwide! That’s a lot of potential customers and people are checking their emails almost every day on their phones. If you want to reach your customers on the go email is one of the best ways to do it!

And when you send an email out to your customer base (or even just one person) in real time? It can feel like magic—especially if someone responds right away and makes a purchase from their phone!

How affordable is email marketing for my business?

Email is one of the easiest and most affordable marketing channels available to businesses today. With email, you can get feedback from them and stay in touch with them on a regular basis—without having the costs associated with other forms of communication.

Unlike social media, which has stringent rules and regulations, email allows you to send out newsletters or offers whenever you want.

If you’re looking for an affordable alternative that will give you immediate results, then email marketing may just be what you need!

Emails can be personalised in ways other channels simply can’t offer, making them more relevant and valuable to recipients. If you want your marketing efforts to have a lasting impact on your audience, email marketing should be at the top of your list for lead generation tactics.

Why should I personalise emails?

Did you know that personalised emails get nearly 17% more open rates than generic emails?

You’ve probably heard personalisation is the key to successful marketing campaigns across many different platforms, and email is no different. They are more likely to be opened, read, and acted upon. But how many people actually know why this is?

In short: Personalised emails help increase customer engagement and loyalty by making your customers feel like the email is just for them. When you can offer up something relevant to each person—an article they might enjoy reading or the specific product they were looking for—you create an experience that makes them feel valued and appreciated by your business. And since we live in a world where customers vote with their wallets (or at least put their money where their mouths are), sending out personalised messages helps build trust between you and your subscribers over time—which means repeat business!

66% of people have made a purchase online as a result of an email marketing message.

Email allows you to communicate with your customers in real time,  boosting the effectiveness of your campaigns by an incredible amount.

I.e. when a customer clicks on an email link and buys a product on your site, they’ll be sent a receipt that includes all of their order details within seconds—meaning they feel like they’re interacting directly with you (and not just being sold something by some faceless corporation).

This means that whenever you have an important announcement or sale, you can immediately send out an email with the exciting news. This is unlike social media which doesn’t allow for this kind of communication because there’s no way for users to directly reach out and respond back.

Email marketing is here to stay and can help your business grow and remain relevant.

Email marketing is here to stay and can help your business grow and remain relevant. See the benefits here:

  • It is a great way to engage with customers and allows you to stay in touch with your audience.
  • Email is a great tool for building brand awareness. Emails are easy to create and send out through an email marketing provider.
  • Email is cost effective when compared with other forms of advertising. 


We hope you’ve seen that email marketing is a powerful tool for growing your business. It can help you build customer relationships, generate leads, and increase sales. Email marketing is also easy to use, affordable, effective at reaching mobile customers directly with just one click of a button! You don’t have to worry about annoying anyone by sending them unwanted messages or emails. If someone opts in and becomes an email subscriber, then they have given their permission for you to market to them. Using tools such as Mailchimp and Constant Contact to help you get started!

Contact us here to find out more about our email marketing services

Purple Turtle Marketing: Email Marketing Services

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