5 tips to get your content marketing strategy off to the right start in 2022

As the new year begins it’s time to start putting in place your marketing plans for the rest of the year. We all know the last couple of years have been pretty strange for any business but, finally, we are starting to see something that resembles normality. Content marketing strategy is key to any successful plan.

Here are some tips to help you create a consumer winning content marketing strategy in 202

  • Look at your customer’s journey

Find out what brings your customers to your product or service. Where did they find you? Do they regularly engage with your social media platforms or email strategy? Which type of content marketing encourages more interaction?

This will help to give you a massive clue of what you need to focus your energy on moving forward. Don’t be afraid to stop something that clearly isn’t working just because it works for one business doesn’t mean it works for everyone.

  • Create a content marketing calendar

Consistency is key for content marketing to work, and it’s so much easier to be consistent when you plan ahead. It doesn’t have to be fancy a simple spreadsheet or Google calendar will do – it will be an absolute game-changer for those who post ad hoc!

  • Make your content shareable

Let’s face it your goal is to get your content in front of as many eyes as possible. To do this you need to create content that stands out to the people you are trying to reach. You need to be writing about topics that people need answers for or a problem they need solving. 

A little tip from us – you can use tools such as Google or Reddit to see what people asking then create an article or blog post around the subject.

  • Think about what you would like to achieve

If you don’t set your goals, how will you know your campaigns are progressing the way you’d like? Measuring your campaigns help you to confirm what is working and what isn’t for your business. Try not to be too ambitious, an agile approach will allow you not to get disheartened if you don’t see positive results straight away.

  • Don’t forget about your past content.

Are there any gaps in your previous content? Is the majority of your content focused on one subject? Try looking at your posts in different categories so you can see which subject you need to focus more on.

Keyword searches on search engines such as Google are an ideal way to look at the words and key phrases that are used when it comes to a client searching for your product or service.


We know planning your content marketing strategy can be challenging. Using these simple tips will help your business to create a customer-focused, winning strategy for 2022. 

Need help with your marketing plans? Contact us today by clicking here.

Content Marketing Tips - Purple Turtle Marketing

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