Every company is different in the way they plan marketing options and budgets, with so many options available to you, those with smaller budgets will understand how important it is to get the best return on investment possible.
See below our tops tips for giving your company a marketing health check;
- Online presence
Your website can be termed as the shop window into your business, your viewers first look, so it needs to look good! With recent statistics indicating that more than 90% of viewers will research a product/company online, your online presence needs to stand out from your competitors. Before you start thinking of building a whole new website, a refresh might be just what you need, simple and easy steps such as relevant content and up to date images will help to make your website more user friendly. - Maximise your social
With so many social media platforms ranging from Twitter to Instagram, to TikTok and Pinterest, not forgetting LinkedIn and Facebook, it can be a minefield when starting to look at which platform would work best for your business. When considering smaller budgets we would suggest starting out with one or two of these that are relevant to your audience. Facebook, whether you like it or not paved the way for social media platforms, we recommend setting up a business page using Facebook to start off with, moving on to LinkedIn and/or Twitter for strong B2B and Instagram or TikTok for lifestyle/end-user businesses. - PR, PR, PR…
A well written and thought out piece of editorial can really increase your brand awareness, whether your company is raising money for charity, launching a new product – its important to shout about it! Look for magazines and websites in your industry, send press releases to your local media for exposure, maximise on your social media by sharing the article! More often than not editorial will cost less than booking an advert but can really bring your brand to life! - Build your network
Digital has given us many opportunities to grow brand awareness, having a conversation with a potential client can outweigh an email, understanding the passion you have for your business will be portrayed in your voice, a more relative approach. The current situation with the Coronavirus pandemic networking events are very different but while we may not be able to meet in person, online communities have grown so have a look and join any relevant ones to your business!